You have been reading about the biologists behind the Ask A Biologist website. Now you can listen to them in our popular biology podcast show. Dr. Biology has been speaking with many of the biologists that are discovering new worlds and exploring new frontiers in biology. There are over 100 episodes and we continue to add more interviews. Each show includes a full written transcript and content log. Be sure to subscribe using your streaming service of choice. The Ask A Biologist Podcast can be found on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Music, Youtube, and most podcast apps.
Check out our YouTube channel!
If you missed it, we have our own YouTube channel where we have a large collection of videos that you can watch. We list some of them under our watch section on this website, but there are many more. Be sure to check them out and just like our podcast, don't forget to subscribe!
Brief introduction text for the podcast listing. Items to think about: do we put the play setup in there? Do we just put in the listing view
Ask A Biologist Podcast, Vol. 60 Guest: Marlene Zuk
Love them or hate them, something is going on with male
crickets on the island of Kauai. Once evenings filled with a chorus of these
tiny singers has become strangely silent. Dr. Biology talks with biologist Marlene Zuk about how things are
changing fast – maybe the fastest observed evolutionary change in an animal in
the wild.
Ask A Biologist Podcast, Vol. 59 Guest: Mary Liz Jameson
Are there really flesh-eating scarab beetles, or is it a movie myth? Dr. Biology and biologist Mary Liz Jameson talk about scarab beetles, dung, and even some insect recipes, minus the dung, for humans to try out for their next dinner or pot-luck.
Ask A Biologist Podcast, Vol. 58 Guest: Lucy Hawking
If aliens were to contact us, what would you say? How would you say it? These are just a few of the questions that Dr. Biology talks about with guest Lucy Hawking. The two have fun with these ideas and more as part of the Dear Aliens essay contest.
Ask A Biologist Podcast, Vol. 57 Guest: Page Baluch
Three inquisitive young co-hosts, Stephanie Galindo, Anthony Delgado and Raenesha Willis visit with biologist and microscopist Page Baluch. Together with Dr. Biology they explore the tiny world of inner space and learn that there is more to a flower than can be seen with only the eye.
Ask A Biologist Podcast, Vol. 56 Guest: Nina Jablonski
Dr. Biology gets the skinny on our largest organ - our skin. Professor and author Nina Jablonski talks about the important ways our skin works for us each day.
Ask A Biologist Podcast, Vol. 55 Guest: Robert Krulwich
Dr Biology sits down with well known science correspondent, Robert Krulwich (Radiolab), for a fun conversation about communicating science. The two talk about media, old and new, and maybe some that may not have been developed.
Ask A Biologist Podcast, Vol. 54 Guest: Fisher, Rebecca, Hagen, Elizabeth
Here is something special you can add to your trick-or-treating this year. Find out if there are vampire bats waiting to drink your blood - or if we really have a funny bone in our body? These are just a few of the things Dr. Biology and his guests Rebecca Fisher and Elizabeth Hagen talk about on this show. You can even listen to some real bat chatter.
Ask A Biologist Podcast, Vol. 53 Guest: Dale DeNardo, Arno Vlooswijk
How are some animals keeping cool and staying warm? Listen in as Dr. Biology talks with biologist Dale DeNardo and engineer and thermographic artist Arno Vlooswijk about thermoregulation. Could there be lessons for humans to learn from these animals?
Dr. Biology learns how birds might have developed their ability to fly from ornithologist Ken Dial. The two talk about the evolution of bird flight and some of the other cool things birds can do - like are penguins really flying birds?
Ask A Biologist Podcast, Vol. 51 Guest: Vicki Funk, Richard Pyle
Dr. Biology has a chance to learn some interesting things about exploring for new species from biologists Vicki Funk and Richard Pyle from the Smithsonian Institute and the Bishop Museum. This episode might just put the explorer bug into your head.
Brief introduction text for the video listing. How should we sort? Currently in alphabetical order.
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How does eye color get passed from parents to children?
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