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Axis: the imaginary line that cuts through the center of a planet and connects the north and south poles...... more
Ectotherm: an animal that controls its body temperature using outside sources... more
Graph: also known as chart and plot, is a visual tool drawn or made using a computer to show how two or more variables relate to each other. Examples are pie graphs, histograms and scatter graphs... more
Mass: is used to describe how much matter is in an object. If you know the number of atoms, the density of the atoms, and what type of atoms are in an object you can calculate its mass.

Quick Virtual Lab

* To be completed with the quick virtual lab student handout found in the teacher resource packet.

Problem: How will temperature affect the growth of Manduca over time?

Generate your own hypothesis and predictions about what will happen.

Collect your data

  1. Start with the Manduca Grown at 20°C. Set the Day to 01 and click Apply.
  2. Record the mass (g) located at the top of the picture. Then click on the picture to magnify it. Then measure the length by clicking on one end of the Manduca caterpillar. Then, click on five points along the rest of the Manduca with the last point being the opposite end of the Manduca. Record the length in your data table.
  3. Repeat Step 2 for all the days by changing the day drop down menu to day 02, then 03, and so on until the last day in the drop down menu. Remember to click Apply after you change the day.
  4. Repeat steps 1 to 3 for the Manduca grown at 30°C.

Analyze your data

  1. Plot graphs of your data (length vs. days and mass vs. days) for both temperatures, using this link, your own Excel sheet, or graph paper.
  2. Use the analysis questions from your quick virtual lab student handout along with the information about temperature, Manduca, and animal growth on this website to help you interpret your data.

* Full featured virtual experiment supported by all browsers except Internet Explorer.

Manduca Grown at 20°C

Manduca 01 (Lab 20°C)
Day: 01
Mass in grams (g): 0.001661
Manduca 01 (Lab 20°C)
Day: 02
Mass in grams (g):
Manduca 01 (Lab 20°C)
Day: 03
Mass in grams (g): 0.004370
Manduca 01 (Lab 20°C)
Day: 04
Mass in grams (g): 0.009481
Manduca 01 (Lab 20°C)
Day: 05
Mass in grams (g): 0.009306
Manduca 01 (Lab 20°C)
Day: 06
Mass in grams (g): 0.016076
Manduca 01 (Lab 20°C)
Day: 07
Mass in grams (g): 0.025431
Manduca 01 (Lab 20°C)
Day: 08
Mass in grams (g): 0.051400
Manduca 01 (Lab 20°C)
Day: 09
Mass in grams (g): 0.051420
Manduca 01 (Lab 20°C)
Day: 10
Mass in grams (g): 0.052147
Manduca 01 (Lab 20°C)
Day: 11
Mass in grams (g): 0.070235
Manduca 01 (Lab 20°C)
Day: 12
Mass in grams (g): 0.120076
Manduca 01 (Lab 20°C)
Day: 13
Mass in grams (g): 0.161540
Manduca 01 (Lab 20°C)
Day: 14
Mass in grams (g): 0.153900
Manduca 01 (Lab 20°C)
Day: 15
Mass in grams (g): 0.197600
Manduca 01 (Lab 20°C)
Day: 16
Mass in grams (g): 0.031720
Manduca 01 (Lab 20°C)
Day: 17
Mass in grams (g): 0.510100
Manduca 01 (Lab 20°C)
Day: 18
Mass in grams (g): 0.505800
Manduca 01 (Lab 20°C)
Day: 19
Mass in grams (g): 0.521600
Manduca 01 (Lab 20°C)
Day: 20
Mass in grams (g): 0.898900
Manduca 01 (Lab 20°C)
Day: 21
Mass in grams (g): 1.579200
Manduca 01 (Lab 20°C)
Day: 22
Mass in grams (g): 2.219400
Manduca 01 (Lab 20°C)
Day: 23
Mass in grams (g): 2.418200
Manduca 01 (Lab 20°C)
Day: 24
Mass in grams (g): 2.416600
Manduca 01 (Lab 20°C)
Day: 25
Mass in grams (g): 2.339000
Manduca 01 (Lab 20°C)
Day: 26
Mass in grams (g): 3.642900
Manduca 01 (Lab 20°C)
Day: 27
Mass in grams (g): 4.933200
Manduca 01 (Lab 20°C)
Day: 28
Mass in grams (g): 6.759800
Manduca 01 (Lab 20°C)
Day: 29
Mass in grams (g): 9.472800
Manduca 01 (Lab 20°C)
Day: 30
Mass in grams (g): 12.910000
Manduca 01 (Lab 20°C)
Day: 31
Mass in grams (g): 14.850000
Manduca 01 (Lab 20°C)
Day: 32
Mass in grams (g): 17.857000
Manduca 01 (Lab 20°C)
Day: 33
Mass in grams (g): 16.667000
Manduca 01 (Lab 20°C)
Day: 34
Mass in grams (g): 14.784000
Manduca 01 (Lab 20°C)
Day: 35
Mass in grams (g): 12.732000
Manduca 01 (Lab 20°C)
Day: 36
Mass in grams (g): 11.071000

Manduca Grown at 30°C

Manduca 01 (Home/Classroom 30°C)
Day: 01
Mass in grams (g): 0.001137
Manduca 01 (Home/Classroom 30°C)
Day: 02
Mass in grams (g): 0.005755
Manduca 01 (Home/Classroom 30°C)
Day: 03
Mass in grams (g): 0.010154
Manduca 01 (Home/Classroom 30°C)
Day: 04
Mass in grams (g): 0.027330
Manduca 01 (Home/Classroom 30°C)
Day: 05
Mass in grams (g): 0.039150
Manduca 01 (Home/Classroom 30°C)
Day: 06
Mass in grams (g): 0.206564
Manduca 01 (Home/Classroom 30°C)
Day: 07
Mass in grams (g): 0.245100
Manduca 01 (Home/Classroom 30°C)
Day: 08
Mass in grams (g): 0.816700
Manduca 01 (Home/Classroom 30°C)
Day: 09
Mass in grams (g): 1.810900
Manduca 01 (Home/Classroom 30°C)
Day: 10
Mass in grams (g): 1.773300
Manduca 01 (Home/Classroom 30°C)
Day: 11
Mass in grams (g): 3.769100
Manduca 01 (Home/Classroom 30°C)
Day: 12
Mass in grams (g): 6.768400
Manduca 01 (Home/Classroom 30°C)
Day: 13
Mass in grams (g): 10.614970
Manduca 01 (Home/Classroom 30°C)
Day: 14
Mass in grams (g): 12.225400
Manduca 01 (Home/Classroom 30°C)
Day: 15
Mass in grams (g): 9.716710
Manduca 01 (Home/Classroom 30°C)
Day: 16
Mass in grams (g): 8.073400

You may need to edit author's name to meet the style formats, which are in most cases "Last name, First name."

Bibliographic details:

  • Article: Quick Virtual Lab
  • Author(s): Dr. Biology
  • Publisher: Arizona State University School of Life Sciences Ask A Biologist
  • Site name: ASU - Ask A Biologist
  • Date published: 28 Dec, 2016
  • Date accessed:
  • Link: https://askabiologist.asu.edu/manduca/quicklook

APA Style

Dr. Biology. (Wed, 12/28/2016 - 15:50). Quick Virtual Lab. ASU - Ask A Biologist. Retrieved from https://askabiologist.asu.edu/manduca/quicklook

American Psychological Association. For more info, see http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/10/

Chicago Manual of Style

Dr. Biology. "Quick Virtual Lab". ASU - Ask A Biologist. 28 Dec 2016. https://askabiologist.asu.edu/manduca/quicklook

MLA 2017 Style

Dr. Biology. "Quick Virtual Lab". ASU - Ask A Biologist. 28 Dec 2016. ASU - Ask A Biologist, Web. https://askabiologist.asu.edu/manduca/quicklook

Modern Language Association, 7th Ed. For more info, see http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/08/

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